Wise Guy Security Training Academy are accredited suppliers of self-study course materials to individuals and service providers in the Private Security Industry.
We compile and dstribute cost-effective and accessible tools that empower the career minded student by providing an efficient, credible means to upgrade their skills and
knowledge. We deliver the apparatus for accredited security service providers to enhance the abilities of their personnel, building on existing knowledge and understanding to improve the standard of their service and delivery.
We believe that success is the result and reward of self-motivation and we champion
every effort of our customers to achieve these aims. Providing support, tuition and
additional vocational education in the pursuit of excellent and sutainable growth.
For the individual and the business proprietor, our service includes liaison with community based and other organisational entities
that strive to achieve broad-based positive outcomes, including poverty alleviation and
basic employment. These embrace charitable organisations, business partners, service providers and a wide range of individual customers, who like ourselves work towards improving the safety and security of the community as a whole.
We are an accredited and dedicated supplier of educational course material and support sytems that include delivery from our premises to your door. In addition we also provide support via PSiRA, to accomplish the all-important task of official registration as well as a speedy, express registration delivery service if so requested.